FREE version

For every framer absolutely free

  • Setup wizard gets you pricing in seconds
  • Automatic supplier catalogue updates *
  • Ready to price straight away
  • Add your own catalogue items
  • Add your own suppliers
  • Easily calculate and set your hourly rate
  • Apply and adjust labour times for all framing tasks
  • Create your own customised charges
  • Set your markups to where you need to sell
  • Connect devices over the cloud ^

PRO version

from only 9.99 per month *

All the features of FREE plus

  • Save Customers and jobs
  • Create Quotes and Invoices
  • Print Job sheets and Invoices
  • Create Mailing Lists
  • Run reports
  • Add Items and Ad-Hoc items to the frame
  • Add Items to Quotes and Invoices
  • Set supplier discounts
  • SMS orders completed
  • Subscription levels to suit every size business
  • Export Orders to Factory
  • Password protect sensistive forms
  • Create end of month statements
  • Import catalogues (new)
  • Unlimited help

* price may vary slightly depending on region

Do a lot more with Pro-FramR

  Industry best practice pricing.

  Fast and easy to setup.

Get pricing for


Setup wizard gets you pricing in seconds

Automatic supplier catalogue updates +

Add your own suppliers & catalogue items

Hourly rate calculator

Set labour times for all framing tasks

Set your markups to where you need to sell

Create your own customised charges

Devices automatially sync ^

Print Job sheets

Save Customers and jobs

Create Quotes and Invoices

SMS orders completed

Create Mailing Lists

Run reports

Add Items and Ad-Hoc items to the frame

Add Items to Quotes and Invoices

Set supplier discounts

Export Orders to Factory

Password protect sensitive forms

Create end of month statements

Import catalogues

Subscription levels to suit every size business

* Price may vary slightly depending on region.

^ Devices require Windows 10/11.

+ Catalogue updates may not be available for all markets. Catalogues can be imported in PRO version

Download More on subscribing

Intelligent Connect

FramR runs locally on your device *

devices connect automatically over the FramR cloud

Fast and efficient, never worry about slow or lost internet while serving customers

* Devices require Windows10 or later

Subscribe to FramR

Be a true professional with all the great features of a subscription

Subcribe to FramR from only 9.99 per month *

Subscriptions are billed monthly and you only pay for the orders or quotes you save

Choose the subscription level that's right for your business, any credit not used in one month gets added to the next.

This means you can offset busier months with quieter periods.

From within FramR go to Subscriptions and choose the subscription that suits your needs

Watch Video 


* price may vary slightly depending on region

Easy to setup and simple to use

We know framers are busy people, they just want software that will work so they can get on with framing.

We've made FramR modern, simple and understandable, so you can start using it straight away.

And with supplier catalogues automatically updated there's nothing to worry about. +

The FramR setup wizard will have you pricing in seconds

+ Catalogue updates not available for all markets

Pricing the way it should be

Many pricing models leave you guessing as to how the price was arrived at.

FramR lets you understand how the price is calculated and importantly... If you are making money.

A powerful and flexible pricing model that lets you price even the most complex frames.

FramR meets the requirements of even the most demanding frame designers.


Every framer can price accurately for FREE... Forever